BioMetric Integration (BMI) Course
Upcoming Dates
- December 6-7th, 2024: UNLV, Las Vegas
- June 20-21, 2025: BioResearch Associates, Inc, Milwaukee, WI
- December 5-6, 2025: UNLV, Las Vegas
Space is limited! Tuition is $1295 for doctors, $995 for staff per person. Contact us at 800.251.2315 to register by phone or chose a date and place and click the links below for online registration.
The Seminar
Explore ways to expand your practice, invigorate sales channels, and help people you couldn't help before, all while earning 16 CE Credits.
This seminar will teach the interpretation of 4 diagnostic aids for the stomatognathic system. Joint Vibration Analysis for the TMJ, Electromyography for the muscles of the head and neck, Jaw Tracking for 3D kinesiology studies and taking bite registrations and finally the T-Scan Novus for computerized occlusal case finishing. These aids can be used separately or integrated into a single system. They are taught in tandem to help highlight the interplay between TMJ, craniofacial muscles, jaw movement and position, and occlusion.
Ray also discusses, in great detail, the model for financially implementing biometrics into your practice and the path towards a differential diagnosis.
Your dental treatments are altering the vertical, lateral or A/P position of your patient’s mandible. You know the need for quantifying the impact those changes are having on your patient’s craniofacial physiology. Fewer and fewer clinicians are willing to guess about their reconstructive, orthodontic or cosmetic patient’s craniofacial or stomatognathic health.
Course Objectives
- Review of anatomy and physiology of the stomatognathic system
- Staging of internal derangements
- The demand for paying attention to the stomatognathic system
- JVA-What is it and Practice Integration
- Jaw Tracking -When, why, and how?
- Surface EMG: Identifying the muscles of mastication. How to understand and interpret the tests.
- M-Scan Determine the proper vertical dimension of appliances and maximizing patient compliance and case acceptance
16 CDE Credits
BioRESEARCH Assoc. Inc is designated as an Approved PACE Program Provider by the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD). The formal continuing education programs of this program provider are accepted by AGD for Fellowship, Mastership and membership maintenance credit.
Approval does not imply acceptance by a state or provincial board of dentistry or AGD endorsement. The current term of approval extends from 6/1/2018 to 5/31/2024. Provider ID: 211696. This course provides 16 hours of CDE credit. Only BioRESEARCH provides commercial support for this program.
Dr. Ray Becker DDS, FAGD
Dr. Becker is internationally renowned as a pioneer, innovator, and integrator of advanced technologies in real-world clinical dentistry. His focus as a full-time practicing dentist is on comprehensive, reconstructive, and esthetic dentistry. By using biometric philosophy/guidelines/protocols
Dr. Becker is able to provide a fair and ethical framework that correlates with the patient’s clinical needs, and goals while truly making occlusion a foundation of his practice. Over his career, he has obtained a wide range of clinical knowledge and skills ranging from practice management through advanced restorative dentistry. His dedication to continuing education is evidenced by his achieving the Fellowship award from the Academy of General Dentistry. In addition, he also received the International College of Dentist’s award for ‘outstanding achievement, and the Maryland Academy of General Dentistry Award for ‘excellence in clinical proficiency and patient management’. Dr. Becker has keynoted international conferences and has authored numerous journal articles, DVD’s, and published works ranging from occlusion, lasers, CAD/CAM dentistry, through practice management. He has been sought out and actively involved on a developmental level by several companies including HCC, Unident, Sirona, and Isolite Systems. He currently has a strong working developmental relationship with BioResearch and Sirona.

BioRESEARCH reserves the right to cancel any portion of this seminar for any reason. If you need to cancel, BioRESEARCH must be notified no less than 30 days before the seminar’s date to receive a full refund. Cancellations less than 30 days prior to the seminar will be subject to forfeiture of the tuition in full, or the tuition in full may be applied to future BioRESEARCH seminars.
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